Do you wonder how “God is in Our Midst?”
God in Our Midst … Summoned or not, God is always present loving, guiding, healing, forgiving and inspiring us through our experiences. Each month, Joan will write “God in Our Midst …”, a personal story to awaken our hearts and open our eyes to God’s presence in the midst of the ordinary and extraordinary events, chaos, heartbreaks and joy that we call life.
In the next few months, look for the upcoming stories of the “God in Our Midst…” series.
“God in Our Midst … Parking Lot Confessions”
“God in Our Midst … Bull Riding at the Rodeo”
“God in Our Midst … Give Me Life”
The reflections will be posted on the 7th of each month. If you would like to have the “God in our Midst” sent to your e-mail address, sign up by clicking here …
- Photo by Joan E. Derrig-Heacox
Deep within the human person is the universal desire to seek God’s presence so as to experience the promise of peace, joy and abundance that can only be known through God. Our desire is God’s invitation to open our minds and our hearts to the divine love, healing and direction that is only possible through God’s revelation of GodSelf.