The Work of Our Lifetime

For the week ending on August 5, 2012  18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

So they said to Jesus,
“What can we do to accomplish the works of God?”
Jesus answered and said to them,
“This is the work of God,
that you believe in the one he sent.”

John 6:28-29

This is our work. To believe in … be persuaded of, put confidence in, depend on, build on, cling to, understand, intuit, trust, and to know in our heart. Believe in the one he sent! Believe in the life, death, resurrection of Jesus Christ. Believe that the actions, words and presence of Jesus Christ will be our joy, bring us abundance and give us peace. Our work, the works of God, is to seek Jesus as a way of life, through prayer, scripture, sacraments, life experiences, service and people of faith so that we believe. To believe is an intention, an act of faith, hope and love, not a passive acceptance. To believe in Jesus is the true desire of our heart, seeking the one who calls us. Our hearts will not rest until we believe, know, trust and cling to the one God sent, Jesus. It is the work of our lifetime.

Dear Jesus, help me to do the work of God, to believe in you with all my mind, body and heart. Amen

Favors Granted through Adoration

Thank you, Jesus, for friends that love, support and pray for me through challenging situations.

Thank you, Jesus, that I may sit in the silence of your peaceful presence.

 Spiritual Direction available in person or phone by appointment.

[email protected]



Bearing our Pain in Peace

  17th Sunday in Ordinary Time:  For the week ending on July 29th, 2012

“I urge you to live in a manner worthy of the call you have received,

with all humility and gentleness, with patience,

bearing with one another through love,

striving to preserve the unity of the spirit

through the bond of peace;”

Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians 4:1

 At the first sign of conflict, we often raise our armor in defense; ready to protect, defend and attack all who challenge our authority, ideals and territory. The heart palpitates, adrenaline surges, muscles quiver and anxiety accelerates our call for battle. Our thoughts may shout for vengeance but our heart weeps with sorrow. How do we live caught between the desire for anger and revenge and the call for gentleness and peace? “Justice is mine,” says the Lord. Paul urges us to pause, in the presence of Jesus Christ, breathe, and remember who we are and how we are called to serve. Allow the heart rate to slow, the adrenaline to pass, the muscles to relax and the spirit of love to penetrate our being. United with Christ, let compassion and humility direct us to a peaceful resolution that serves first the weakest and most vulnerable involved. May we bear our sorrow and burdens with faith, hope and most of all, love.

 Dear Jesus, increase in me a heart of humility that I may seek resolution through compassion and peace. AMEN

Joan E. Derrig-Heacox

Spiritual Direction available in person or phone by appointment.

Jesus says, “Come Away With ME!”

Sixteenth Sunday on Ordinary Time:  July 22, 2012

 Jesus said to his apostles,

“Come away by yourselves

to a deserted place

and rest a while.”

Mark 6:31

Go away by myself? … How is that possible with so many expectations and demands?

A deserted place? … I can barely get a private moment for the necessities.

Rest a while?  … Is that a dream?

The relentless demands on Jesus and his Apostles’ time and energy were not unlike the demands many of us face today.  We may be exhausted from constantly caring for the needs of others, working long hours, living up to the high expectations to be and do our best and struggling with the demand to be available at all hours day and night. Jesus knew this lifestyle was unhealthy for his Apostles as it is unhealthy for us. Like the Apostles, we need time away to be alone, to rest and to pray.  Quiet, rest and prayer open us up to God’s perspective, inspiration, passion and peace. Without this precious alone time with the Lord, we may become misguided, impatient, despondent and unloving. We need the love of God, poured out into our heart, to do the work we are called to do and be the person we were created to be. Listen … Jesus is calling you to his loving presence to renew your spirit, rest your weary body and love you in a way that no other person, place or thing can love you. Come away with Christ. It is not only possible but essential for your well being!

Dear Jesus, create a desire in my heart to seek you in the quiet of your adoring presence so that I may rest and be at peace with you. Amen

Spiritual Direction available in person or phone by appointment.

[email protected]



Excess Baggage for the Journey

 July 15, 2012: 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

 [Jesus] instructed them to take nothing for the journey

but a walking stick – no food, no sack, no money in their belts.

Mark 6:8

Packing for a vacation or even a short trip can feel exhausting. The number of bags we pack, the number of things that we think we cannot live without is overwhelming. Trying to make life easier and more comfortable may have in fact made life more burdensome and stressful. What makes us feel secure, loved and comfortable? Do I really need the extra conditioner, blow dryer, hair straightener and hair gel to feel loved and accepted or will my family and friends still love me if my hair is air dried and wild? Do I have to have just the right outfit to make the right impression to belong or will a simple top and pants be enough for people to welcome me in friendship? Jesus us loves us with the hair we were given, the simplest outfit we are wearing and the time we have to offer in prayer and adoration. The more time we spend in prayer, trusting in Jesus and seeking wisdom to know the difference between needs and excessive wants, we will feel more secure, loved, satisfied and dignified as the person we were created to be. The journey of a life in Christ is liberating and gratifying without having to pack so many bags for the trip.


Dear Jesus, help me to let go of the many things that I cling to for security, comfort, love and importance so that I may trust in you for all my needs and my hearts desire. Amen

Favors Granted through Adoration

Thank you for a cool place to pray and rest in the midst of this heat wave.

Thank you, Jesus, for a safe holiday with family and friends in an amazing country.


Joan E. Derrig-Heacox

Seeking God’s Presence – Healing the Wounded Heart

Spiritual Direction available in person or phone by appointment.

[email protected]

Cell: 330-760-6759  office: 919-435-1694