Decide Today Whom You Will Serve

For the week ending on August 26, 2012 – 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

 Adoration of Jesus Christ – Scriptural Meditation

Joshua addresses all the people,

“If it does not please you to serve the Lord,

decide today whom you will serve…” Joshua 24:15

We hear so many voices calling out to us, commanding our attention, insisting on an immediate response and demanding our loyalty. From family loyalty, job loyalty, religious loyalty to brand loyalty for the cars we buy and the food we eat. The promises they make of happiness, financial gain, popularity and beauty lure us into commitments, rituals and behaviors that deny authentic love and belonging. If my teeth were whiter everyone would love me and include me. If my truck were bigger and tougher, everyone would envy my strength and covet my power. If my house were newer and grander, people would recognize my success and admire me.

All false god’s lead us away from true love, genuine acceptance and personal dignity in ourselves as children of God. So…who do we serve? A false god that humiliates, demoralizes, excludes and destroys life? Or the One Holy God that loves, forgives, invites and nourishes us now and prepares us for eternal life? Let us ask our hearts this question. Do the people and things we serve and value bring us together as a community of faith, hope and charity founded on the Love of God, the dignity of all human beings and the preservation of creation? Decide today whom you will serve.

Then the people promised Joshua,

“We will serve the Lord, our God, and obey God’s voice.”

Joshua 24:24


Dear Jesus, open my eyes and ears so that I may recognize evil, lies and deceit coming from false god’s and train my heart to hear only your voice. 

Joan E. Derrig-Heacox

Seeking God’s Presence – Healing the Wounded Heart

Spiritual Direction available in person or phone by appointment.

[email protected]   330-760-6759  919-435-1694

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