For the week ending on August 5, 2012 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
So they said to Jesus,
“What can we do to accomplish the works of God?”
Jesus answered and said to them,
“This is the work of God,
that you believe in the one he sent.”
John 6:28-29
This is our work. To believe in … be persuaded of, put confidence in, depend on, build on, cling to, understand, intuit, trust, and to know in our heart. Believe in the one he sent! Believe in the life, death, resurrection of Jesus Christ. Believe that the actions, words and presence of Jesus Christ will be our joy, bring us abundance and give us peace. Our work, the works of God, is to seek Jesus as a way of life, through prayer, scripture, sacraments, life experiences, service and people of faith so that we believe. To believe is an intention, an act of faith, hope and love, not a passive acceptance. To believe in Jesus is the true desire of our heart, seeking the one who calls us. Our hearts will not rest until we believe, know, trust and cling to the one God sent, Jesus. It is the work of our lifetime.
Dear Jesus, help me to do the work of God, to believe in you with all my mind, body and heart. Amen
Favors Granted through Adoration
Thank you, Jesus, for friends that love, support and pray for me through challenging situations.
Thank you, Jesus, that I may sit in the silence of your peaceful presence.
Spiritual Direction available in person or phone by appointment.