Blessings of Wisdom

With all your soul draw close to her (wisdom), with all your strength keep her ways. Search her out, discover her; seek her and you will find her. Then when you find her, do not let her go; and she will become your joy.
—Sirach 6:27-29

We are in a culture of information overload. Knowledge is power. The internet provides us with a seemingly unlimited resource for information, often offered without credibility or accountability. We can easily be overwhelmed and mislead by corrupted information. How do we decide what or who to believe? The Book of Sirach invites us to seek wisdom and live accordingly. Take whatever information or knowledge that you are discerning and present it to Jesus in prayer. Allow the teachings of the Gospel and our faith to permeate the info in the silence of our prayer. Be still. Wait. Wisdom will come. Opening our hearts and minds to the truth and God’s pure love so that we may find the joy and peace that wisdom promises. With wisdom, we will know who and what to believe and how to live accordingly.

Photo by Sarah Heacox

Dear Jesus, guide me through your wisdom that I may be your living, joyful presence in the world. Amen

Meditation Blog

Do you want to know how God speaking to us now through the scriptures?

Join Joan each week in faith, prayer and reflection through her weekly scripture based Meditations. It is her prayer that the Meditations open our hearts to God’s transforming, healing and empowering inspiration so that we may experience insight into our relationships and choices for a more meaningful life.

Joan E Derrig-Heacox will offer weekly scripture based meditations posted to this website every Monday at noon. The meditations that Joan writes are an expression of faith formed and founded on prayer, scripture, reflection, theological teachings, tradition and reason. Each meditation, posted on Monday’s by noon, consists of a scripture from the upcoming Sunday Mass / Liturgy (Catholic Roman Missal), reflection and prayer. If you would like to receive the Weekly Meditation sent to your e-mail address, sign up by clicking here.