Allowing God to Love Us First …

For the week ending on Sunday, November 4, 2012

Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jesus said to his disciples:

“As the Father loves me, so I also love you. Remain in my love.

If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love,

just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and remain in his love.”

John 15: 9-10

We are commanded to love God above all things and then love one another as ourselves. Many of us desire to love one another through service, prayer, attention, kindness, emotional understanding and even financial support. After much giving of love, we are often worn out; exhausted and depleted of patience, compassion and energy. Sometimes we become resentful and frustrated when the other does not appreciate all the love we are pouring out for them. Can’t they see how much we love them! If we read the scripture carefully, we are to love others as we love ourselves. How do we love ourselves? When flying, we are commanded to put our oxygen mask on FIRST before we assist our children or neighbor. God commands us to seek God first before we assist others. We must be open and receptive of God’s love of us, experience it in the flesh through prayer, reflection, nourishment, scripture and alone time with the Lord. When we constantly seek to love God first and follow the commandments, we are truly loving ourselves and can only then offer that same God love to others. The only way we can fully love another is if we allow God to fully love us. Jesus reminds us that the love expressed between God and our self gives us the presence to love others fully. Let us put on the oxygen mask of God’s love first so that we can be of service and love to others.

Reflection Question: Am I too busy loving everyone else at the expense of my own need to receive and express love between God and my self?

Dear Jesus, help me to seek you first, remain in your love and then allow you to guide me to love and care for others. Amen

Dear Friends, I would love to hear how you are experiencing God’s love for you.

Answered Prayers and Favor’s Granted:

Dear Jesus, Thank you the gift of a supportive, loving family that prays for each other.

Dear Jesus, thank you for being with me in the hospital.

Approach God with Confidence

For the week ending on Sunday, October 21, 2012

Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

So let us confidently approach the throne of Grace

to receive mercy and to find grace for timely help.

Hebrews 4:16

In the time of Jesus, the Jewish custom allowed only the Holiest to enter into the most sacred spaces of the temple. When Christ died on the cross the walls crumbled and the sheet was torn separating us from our God. Through the presence of Christ, the Eucharist, we are now able to enter into God’s loving, merciful and wondrous presence. There is nothing but our own pride and ego that can keep us from confidently approaching God. There is nothing that we have done or not done that God does not know or forgive. God’s grace is for us: compassion, understanding, mercy, forgiveness, courage, empathy, patience and help. Let us surrender our pride, leave our ego at the door, open our heart, enter into the presence of grace …  and allow our hearts to receive Christ’s peace, joy and abundance.

What am I hiding that only God’s grace can mercifully reveal, courageously help and tenderly heal?

Dear Jesus, call me to your presence, fill me with faith so that I may confidently open the door and approach you with an open willing heart. Amen

Favors Granted to Adorers and visitors of the Adoration Chapel:

Dear Jesus, thank you for the gift of a special family that includes me as they worship and pray together.

Dear Jesus, thank you for being with me as I received the news of my test results.