Sunday September 30, 2012 The 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Those who trust in their wealth and boast of their abundant riches …
For all their riches, if mortals do not have wisdom, they perish like the beasts.
Psalm 49: 7,21
Are we rich enough, safe enough, famous enough, beautiful enough or strong enough? What standards are we using to measure if, how and when we are enough? We boast and flaunt our accomplishments, prestige and fortune. All for what? Beauty, fame and fortune fade and die in time but the wisdom of God in our hearts gives us eternal life. The wisdom and love of God in our hearts is enough. It will make us rich in compassion, safe in eternal life, remembered for our presence, beautiful in the eyes of mercy and strong in faith and perseverance. The humility of wisdom inspires us to recognize that the wealth and abundant riches of faith, hope and love are what make us enough in the eyes of God.
Dear Jesus, help me to seek wisdom so that my heart may know the abundant blessings of faith, hope and love. Amen.
Share with me how wisdom has challenged, altered or inspired your response to finacial wealth? I am open to listen and reflect on your insight.
Thank you!