Jesus says, “Come Away With ME!”

Sixteenth Sunday on Ordinary Time:  July 22, 2012

 Jesus said to his apostles,

“Come away by yourselves

to a deserted place

and rest a while.”

Mark 6:31

Go away by myself? … How is that possible with so many expectations and demands?

A deserted place? … I can barely get a private moment for the necessities.

Rest a while?  … Is that a dream?

The relentless demands on Jesus and his Apostles’ time and energy were not unlike the demands many of us face today.  We may be exhausted from constantly caring for the needs of others, working long hours, living up to the high expectations to be and do our best and struggling with the demand to be available at all hours day and night. Jesus knew this lifestyle was unhealthy for his Apostles as it is unhealthy for us. Like the Apostles, we need time away to be alone, to rest and to pray.  Quiet, rest and prayer open us up to God’s perspective, inspiration, passion and peace. Without this precious alone time with the Lord, we may become misguided, impatient, despondent and unloving. We need the love of God, poured out into our heart, to do the work we are called to do and be the person we were created to be. Listen … Jesus is calling you to his loving presence to renew your spirit, rest your weary body and love you in a way that no other person, place or thing can love you. Come away with Christ. It is not only possible but essential for your well being!

Dear Jesus, create a desire in my heart to seek you in the quiet of your adoring presence so that I may rest and be at peace with you. Amen

Spiritual Direction available in person or phone by appointment.

[email protected]



Excess Baggage for the Journey

 July 15, 2012: 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

 [Jesus] instructed them to take nothing for the journey

but a walking stick – no food, no sack, no money in their belts.

Mark 6:8

Packing for a vacation or even a short trip can feel exhausting. The number of bags we pack, the number of things that we think we cannot live without is overwhelming. Trying to make life easier and more comfortable may have in fact made life more burdensome and stressful. What makes us feel secure, loved and comfortable? Do I really need the extra conditioner, blow dryer, hair straightener and hair gel to feel loved and accepted or will my family and friends still love me if my hair is air dried and wild? Do I have to have just the right outfit to make the right impression to belong or will a simple top and pants be enough for people to welcome me in friendship? Jesus us loves us with the hair we were given, the simplest outfit we are wearing and the time we have to offer in prayer and adoration. The more time we spend in prayer, trusting in Jesus and seeking wisdom to know the difference between needs and excessive wants, we will feel more secure, loved, satisfied and dignified as the person we were created to be. The journey of a life in Christ is liberating and gratifying without having to pack so many bags for the trip.


Dear Jesus, help me to let go of the many things that I cling to for security, comfort, love and importance so that I may trust in you for all my needs and my hearts desire. Amen

Favors Granted through Adoration

Thank you for a cool place to pray and rest in the midst of this heat wave.

Thank you, Jesus, for a safe holiday with family and friends in an amazing country.


Joan E. Derrig-Heacox

Seeking God’s Presence – Healing the Wounded Heart

Spiritual Direction available in person or phone by appointment.

[email protected]

Cell: 330-760-6759  office: 919-435-1694

Called from Birth!

For the week ending on June 24, 2012
The Nativity of St John the Baptist 


The Lord called me from birth,

from my mother’s womb he gave me my name…

You are my servant, he said to me,

Israel, through whom I show my glory.

Book of the Prophet Isaiah 49:1-3

With so many conflicting proclamations, commercials, text messages, e-mails, twitter, and voice mail, the Lord’s call may sound muffled and distant. Distractions, constant noise and the expectation for instantaneous knowledge and responses renders God’s servants deaf, helpless, fearful and lost. Yet, Jesus promises us peace and abundance when we hear God’s voice. Let us turn off the TV, silence the phone, disconnect the internet, quiet the music and rest in the peace of Jesus’ adoring presence. In Adoration of Jesus Christ, being nurtured as in our mother’s womb and protected as in a tomb, we will be known by our name. We will be called forth as servants, cherished and loved by God for the good of all people. We will be given the courage and inspiration to serve, to give Glory to God. The peace of Christ will be upon us.

Dear Jesus, quiet my mind and open my ears to your call that I may serve you and others may experience your love and goodness. Amen

Favors Granted through Adoration:
Thank you for the love of my Father.
Dear Jesus, thank you for bring our family together to honor our father.

Spiritual Direction available in person or phone by appointment.

[email protected]



Unbounded Love

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

June 15

“God’s heart calls to our hearts, inviting us to come out of ourselves,

to forsake our human certainties, to trust in him and, by following his example,

to make ourselves a gift of unbounded love.”

Pope Benedict XVI

Holding an innocent, vulnerable, precious newborn baby in my arms makes my heart sing. I can feel my heart expand with nurturing love, hope for the future and faith that God’s heart continues to bless our world. The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, who’s love is boundless, pours out for each of us as though we are  innocent, vulnerable, precious, newborns resting peacefully in the protection of God’s arms. The giftedness of unbounded love, flowing continuously from the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, will slowly, graciously transform our world into the Kingdom of God. On year at a time. One day at a time. One moment at a time. One heart at a time. Until we are joined as the Body of Christ, a body of unbounded love giving Glory to God. May our hearts sing, answering God’s call to live in the fullness of love.

Dear Jesus, May your love unbound me from my comfortable existence to lovingly reach out to those most in need of your Sacred Heart. Amen

Joan E. Derrig-Heacox

Spiritual Direction available in person or phone by appointment.

[email protected]



Nourish Me, O Lord!

For the week ending on June 10, 2012

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

Corpus Christi

An Act of Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the

most Blessed Sacrament.

I love You above all things and I desire to receive You into my soul.

Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally,

come at least spiritually into my heart.

I embrace You as if You have already come,

and unite myself wholly to You.

Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.

(St. Alphonsus Liguori 18th century)

The Kingdom of God becomes visible to us as we unite ourselves, heart, body and soul, to Jesus. Continuously nourishing ourselves by the Body and Blood of Christ through the Word, the Blessed Sacrament, Adoration, the Priesthood and the People of God, opens our eyes and hearts to the kingdom of God and the Grace of Jesus Christ surrounding us. Nourished by Christ, we see goodness in all people, we feel compassion for the weary and broken-hearted and we desire to serve those most in need of God’s mercy and care. We become the living presence of Christ in our thoughts, words and actions so that all people will feel welcomed into God’s Kingdom.

Nourish me, O Lord! That I may embody You and serve Your people!

 Dear Jesus, I desire to be with you always in my heart and in my soul. Amen

Spiritual Direction available in person or phone by appointment.

[email protected]


God is Present in the Ordinary


The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and

 the love of God and

the fellowship of the Holy Spirit

be with all of us. Amen

2 Corinthians 13:13

Seasons change… Easter has concluded and ordinary time in scripture is upon us through the summer and into the fall. The ordinary activities of life, family and work can become dull and mundane leaving our hearts open to grace of God or the thrill of foolishness. Do not let the dullness of life’s chores leads us away from the true meaning of our life. God is present to us in our ordinary, sometimes tedious activities; driving to work, smiling at a stranger, preparing dinner, doing a hard days work, washing clothes, mowing the lawn, paying the bills, caring for the sick and parenting our children. Each of these moments can be moments of grace, expressions of love and fellowship for our families and honoring each day as a gift from God. It is the presence of Christ that empowers us to faithfully do what is right. It is the love of God that pours out of us so that we may serve joyfully. It is the companionship of the Holy Spirit that inspires, encourages and strengthens us every moment of every day. When we embrace every activity, no matter how ordinary or mundane, with faith, hope and love, we can be sure that the extraordinary grace of Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit are with us. May our life be the fulfillment of God’s Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Dear Jesus, may I seek you as my salvation, my eternal companion and the love of my life so that I may live forever in your peace.

The Love of God Poured into Our Hearts

The love of God has been poured into our hearts

through the Spirit of God dwelling within us, Alleluia.

Romans 5:5

Love is a trigger word for many of us. It may trigger feelings of romance, deep care and commitment, and friendship as well as anger, distrust and resentment. We often base our feelings and expressions of love on past experiences and internal emotions. We may have experienced love as a means to control and manipulate another for personal gain and satisfaction. Love may have been used to excuse or deny inappropriate behavior. However, the love of God poured into our heart casts out fear, anxiety and distrust. Beginning first in our hearts as the loving presence of kindness, patience, forgiveness, compassion, comfort, peace and joy, we come to know the love of God as something beyond emotions and feelings. It is an unshakeable, unconditional permanence that embraces us in spite of our burdens, wounds, limitations and weaknesses. It is the love of God that is poured into our hearts, dwelling within and thus lifting us out of ourselves so that we may truly love others. Alleluia! I can love others because I  am open to the unlimited love God pours into me. Alleluia!.

Dear Jesus, open my heart to Your flow of love so that I may more fully realize how you dwell within me and offer that love to others. Amen

Joan E. Derrig-Heacox

Seeking God’s Presence – Healing the Wounded Heart

Spiritual Direction available in person or phone by appointment.

330-760-6759            919-435-1694

No one has ever seen God.

Yet, if we love one another, God remains in us,

and God’s love is brought to perfection in us. 1 John 4:12

Be Kind … Seek Goodness

Be Patient … Seek Peace

Be Honest … Seek Truth

Be Compassionate … Seek Forgiveness

Be Joyful … Seek Humility

Be Faithful … Seek Hope

Be the Presence of Love … Seek God

Dear Jesus, fill me with the gifts of the Spirit so that I may be the presence of Love and others will seek You through me. Amen

Joan E. Derrig-Heacox, MM          [email protected]

Seeking God’s Presence – Healing the Wounded Heart

Spiritual Direction available in person or phone by appointment.

[email protected]     cell 330-760-6759     office 919-435-1694

Being God’s Chosen People

For the week ending on May 13, 2012   Sixth Sunday of Easter

.It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and

appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain,

so that whatever you ask the Father in my name

he may give you. John 15:16

When we hear and open our hearts to God’s word, it is up to us to accept and respond as God’s chosen people. It is God that chooses, loves, inspires and appoints us to be the living, loving, forgiving presence in our home, work place and community. We are to bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit; Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Self-control, Generosity, Gentleness, and Faithfulness. When we live in a way that gives glory to God, God will give back to us, respond to our prayers and needs out of divine love. Not because we earned love by our good works but because the fruit we bear remains as the living presence of the Kingdom of God in our midst.

Dear Jesus, help me to accept myself as your chosen people and purify my heart so that I may to bear the fruit of your love in my life.  Amen

Joan E. Derrig-Heacox

Joan E. Derrig-Heacox

Seeking God’s Presence – Healing the Wounded Heart

Spiritual Direction available in person or phone by appointment.

[email protected]

330-760-6759 or 919-435-1694

Remember this: We Are God’s Beloved Children

Beloved: See what love the Father has bestowed on us that

we may be called the children on God.

1 John 3:1

 Love is the deepest desire of our hearts. We seek love through relationships, nature, success, praise, drugs and objects. Yet, we are left wanting, our desire unfulfilled.  To be the Beloved, the love that fulfills our heart comes from understanding and knowing ourselves as first and foremost, children of God. Oh, to be loved as the Beloved by God, our Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen. We are so deeply loved by God; loved into being, loved into an earthly family and loved into a heavenly eternity. Not a moment passes that God is not radiating divine love within our hearts. Beloved: seek and receive first the love of God so that we may accept and appreciate ourselves and others as the Beloved, children of God.

Dear Jesus, help me to seek and accept myself and others as God’s Beloved child so that I may radiate Love in my thoughts, words and actions regardless of life’s circumstances.  Amen

Joan E. Derrig-Heacox

Seeking God’s Presence – Healing the Wounded Heart