For the week ending on June 24, 2012
The Nativity of St John the Baptist
The Lord called me from birth,
from my mother’s womb he gave me my name…
You are my servant, he said to me,
Israel, through whom I show my glory.
Book of the Prophet Isaiah 49:1-3
With so many conflicting proclamations, commercials, text messages, e-mails, twitter, and voice mail, the Lord’s call may sound muffled and distant. Distractions, constant noise and the expectation for instantaneous knowledge and responses renders God’s servants deaf, helpless, fearful and lost. Yet, Jesus promises us peace and abundance when we hear God’s voice. Let us turn off the TV, silence the phone, disconnect the internet, quiet the music and rest in the peace of Jesus’ adoring presence. In Adoration of Jesus Christ, being nurtured as in our mother’s womb and protected as in a tomb, we will be known by our name. We will be called forth as servants, cherished and loved by God for the good of all people. We will be given the courage and inspiration to serve, to give Glory to God. The peace of Christ will be upon us.
Dear Jesus, quiet my mind and open my ears to your call that I may serve you and others may experience your love and goodness. Amen
Favors Granted through Adoration:
Thank you for the love of my Father.
Dear Jesus, thank you for bring our family together to honor our father.
Spiritual Direction available in person or phone by appointment.